I came across an article on Anna Karenina this morning, and it got me all excited to see yet again another Joe Wright's film with Keira Knightley in it. Then for some reason all those excitement made me want to watch Atonement. The last time I saw it was when it came out in the cinemas back in 2007. I was 13 years old then, and I saw it with my mum. I remember it was pretty awkward watching Keira and James having sex, together with your mum. Never again.
Atonement was already one of my favourite films. Seeing I was a big fan of Keira Knightley and Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice back then, how can it not be my favourite? But after re-watching it today and quietly bawling my eyes out, I have this whole new appreciation for this film. And here's why:-
The Story
The story is so intricate and has so much depth. The time period in the movie goes well with the story because, you have this naïve, foolish little girl that wasn't supposed to see what she have seen. Given by her age and her level of understanding, it was hard for her to comprehend the situation that she was in. And you can't really blame her for what she has done to Robbie and Cecilia, even though one of the factors that drove her to do such a despicable act was her feelings towards Robbie. She was madly jealous that her crush pays more attention to her sister. So she wanted to hurt him.
Her act has basically prevented them from being together, and with the war happening, she very well knew that her foolish action – her lie has destroyed Robbie's and Cecilia's life. No matter how terrible her wrongdoing was, I cancan help but felt sorry for her because she had to carry the guilt and desperately trying to make things right. I like that the result from that night for both sides lives were equally heart-breaking, so when it came to end I was just in tears.
The Cast
I've realized that the cast ensemble is incredible. Saoirse Ronan, James McAvoy, Keira Knightley, Juno Temple and Benedict Cumberbatch - whom I didn't know he was in this movie seeing I didn't know who he was back then. The level of talent is astonishing! Also, Alfie Allen from Games of Thrones was in it too. It was a, "Heeeeeeey," moment when he appeared on the screen.
Joe Wright
I swear, he's such an amazing director. He knows how to make an amazing period film. The cinematography is simply stunning.
Hmm, I got lazy in the end. Basically, I fucking love this movie.